Heirloom Tomato Pizza


by Heather Harris Brady

This is a really simple recipe but it’s one of my favorite ways to enjoy the last of the summer tomatoes. Since there are so few ingredients it’s important that you use quality here. You can mix up the crust before you leave for work and let it rise in the fridge all day if that’s better for your schedule. (You could even mix the night before but you’d have to punch it down in the morning.)

Heirloom Tomato Pizza, Makes one 12″ pizza

One pint heirloom cherry tomatoes, washed and halved

8 oz. goat cheese, feta, fresh ricotta or queso blanco

2 T. minced garlic

Olive oil

One pizza crust (made with high gluten flour)


The green zebras and chocolate cherry tomatoes are from my garden, the tiny red ones and yellow ones I picked up from the farm stand. I just love all the colors!

Preheat the oven to 425 and grease a pan with olive oil. Press your pizza dough out into the pan.  Drizzle the crust with olive oil and layer on the tomatoes. Then sprinkle them all with the garlic and finally with the crumbled cheese. Add some fresh ground pepper and basil if you like.


Bake for about 20 minutes, until the crust begins to brown.


It fantastic right out of the oven but it’s not too shabby at room temperature either. You could also cut it into tiny squares for pretty appetizers.

One year ago: Sun Tea
